Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reflections - a break from cooking..

I have been away for a few days for a mini escape from the city and it was wonderful. I went up to the White Mountains in NH and neighboring Maine. It was nice to be carefree about things once and a while. The mountain air and quiet streams were amazing for me physically and mentally. I don't know, but for me, slowing down and noticing how important the little things are made me really happy. I found a moose and that was just the icing on the cake...

I learned a lot from my vacation especially being on top of the highest mountain in NH and touching the clouds and the 2 mile nature hike afterwards on Sunday.

Being on top of Mt.Washington and looking over all that was below me gave me the peace I needed. It was a beautiful day and I could see that the clouds were only slightly above me, casting their shadows on the other mountains. I felt insignificant and powerful at the same time. I forgot all my worries while I was here.

The 2 mile hike later in the afternoon with my family was a learning experience too. We always go on Sunday walks together for bonding time and exercise :) It's good to slow down and just notice the things around you. Nature tells a lot of stories. Maybe we can learn from it if we just take time to consider it.

Like this picture:

My brother pointed out that with death there is life: "It's the circle of life," he turns to me and says. Mom chimes in: "When one thing dies another life starts, it is so with plants and it is so with mammals." The endless circle of life. Nothing just stops and ceases to exist...

I find inspiration in these trees.

They were once seedlings that were probably dropped by birds or something. But they struggled to survive wherever they were. You can see the roots of these trees. They look like they are holding onto the rocks. I guess it is so with life. Whatever life throws at you, you just got to make due. Never give up because once you get over that hurdle, your life will be that much more interesting... just like these trees.

I've spent my last year being really busy because of one quote that I just followed relentlessly: "Turn your losses into gains" and I have....whether it was a broken heart, activities, and work... I'm always thinking... always trying to come up with new ideas to try... you never know until you try.

I'm going to stop being Pocahontas now and resume cooking.

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